26 January 2012

Artificial Night Shall Be No More

So, in light of a lot of things not limited to, but including:

1. A personal preference for minimalism.
2. Google's recent trend away from its "Don't Be Evil" mantra.
3. Some synergy in my online productivity.
4. A personal preference for relative ease of use in aforementioned online productivity.

I've decided to take my full-time blogging over to Tumblr. I've had a Tumblr for a while now, and it's just a reality that I use it, and Twitter, as my main online outlets. I'm only producing one long blog post a month here, roughly, whereas I post on Tumblr multiple times a day. Splitting those two up seems stupid.

As much as I've loved having something called "Artificial Night" in my life, and all the little sidebar widgets, well, it's just not worth it anymore to divide my somewhat paltry readership.

I'm not going to re-direct joestracci.com just yet, so this will still be here for a while, but if you want a daily dose of music and technology and food and videos and all-around general wittiness, update your bookmarks to:


See you then.