20 March 2009

Mistake #1

I voted for Barack Obama for president. Like many who did, I was overjoyed when he won, not because he was 'my' guy, but because I truly felt, and still do, that he was the right man to get this country back on track.

Well, this morning, I'm pissed at him.

As you may or may not know--I didn't until this morning--President Obama made an appearance on Leno last night. Here's the video of the entire interview.

What you're looking for, the line that has everyone talking this morning, comes at about the 3:54 mark. President Obama remarks that he recently bowled a 129, to which Jay and the audience responds with psedo-sarcastic applause. Jay sarcastically says, "Oh no, that's very good, that's very good." And that's when Obama drops the bomb:

It was like the Special Olympics or something.

Wait, what?

Did he just...?

Yes, he did.

Now, I won't sit here and claim to have never misspoken--I've said things, told jokes, made wisecracks--many that were off-color. Anyone who knows me knows one of my favorite phrases is, "Oh, too soon!" usually in response to something I've said.

But I'm not the President of the United States of Fucking America.

Barry dropped the ball on this one, folks. Conservatives have a right to hammer him, and they will, because I'll tell you what--if that was W up there, saying something like that, on Leno during the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, there would be riots in the streets this morning. So we all need to sit back and drink the medicine for a few days, because this isn't going to go away quick.

And really--what the fuck is the sitting president doing on Leno anyway?

Mistake number one, Barack.


The only thing that saved this morning was the nice run Danielle and I took in the snow. Yup, snow. First day of spring and it was near-whiteout conditions when we got back. Gotta love it.

More later.


1 comment:

  1. how did i totally miss this?

    i don't have TV, and haven't worked in several days (i listen to NPR all day at work), so i'm basically out of the loop.

    thanks for being the news.
