24 April 2009

The Blu Period

I've got about 15 Blu-ray's in my DVD collection (I've had a Blu-ray player, my PS3, since November) and I also pay the $2 extra or whatever it is so that Netflix will send me them when available.

Needless to say, I'm a fan.

The picture is superior quality--if you've watched a movie on say, HBOHD, well, Blu-ray is even better than that. The sound is also upgraded, and my home theater speakers aren't even hooked up through HDMI. Blu-ray discs also come with a ton of features if you're into that kind of thing.

This article
was in today's Times. It takes a look at the idea that Blu-ray has "failed," which is a joke. What is closer to the truth is that it seems to be finally coming into its own. Also, it looks like the first off-brand players will make their way to the US for this Christmas.

And if there's one thing Americans love, it's gadgets that cost $99.

More soon,


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