08 April 2009

I'm An Egg Slut

In the words of Tony Bourdain, "I'm an egg slut."

I could eat eggs three meals a day, no questions asked. And I've always been tinkering with my egg recipes, because like any student of the egg knows, there's a million ways to cook them, and about two million ways to fuck 'em up. My discovery of truffle salt was a big egg addition--I rarely eat eggs, no matter how they've been cooked, without putting some on (only after they've been cooked of course, as you'll see in the video), either as a background flavor, or the main condiment. Recently I made pickled onions, and when I made egg salad on a Friday night (my egg salad recipe, taken from Kenny Shopsin's cookbook, is unbeatable), I added the onions to the sandwich and it was absolutely perfect.

Needless to say, I was quite excited to see this post on Lifehacker today:

Gordon Ramsay Demonstrates The Perfect Scrambled Egg Breakfast

Here's the video:

Don't think you need to follow this verbatim. The butter--or at least how much he uses--is not necessary, and neither is the creme fraiche. The whisking in the pan is brilliant--never thought to do that. Following that and the salt rule, should yield some pretty damn good results.

Sorry to geek out over eggs, but this kind of thing gets me excited.

More soon.


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