13 November 2009

AT&T, I Hate You

So, my Magic Mouse arrived this morning. Expect the full review on Monday morning--complete with unboxing shots, pictures, and maybe some video of it in action.

I'm currently (like, literally right now as I type this) on the phone with AT&T trying to figure out why they just won't admit there's a 3G outage in the area,* so in the spirit of that, thanks to Petey, I'll post something I laughed quite hard at a few minutes ago (click to get a bigger version):

More soon.


*I, along with the eight other iPhone owners I know who happen to live with/near me, haven't had any type of service since Wednesday. First there was no outage in the area, then there was, and now there isn't again. AT&T keeps 'troubleshooting' with me on the phone, which basically involves them telling me to turn the phone off and turn the phone on again. I happily pay $200 a month for me and Danielle to use the best phone currently on the market, but when it gets fucked by the network, well, that really sucks, both for me, and the provider. Verizon, I implore you--get the iPhone. I will come back. I will give you my $200 a month. I will even take back all the nasty things I told poor Kathy when I terminated my contract so many months ago. Just get it, please.

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