11 August 2009

When The Push Pays Off

As you may remember, I recently overcame my Online Literary Journal bias. I decided to throw myself into the 21st century writing game and get my name out there no matter the cost. I just needed to open my eyes to the possibility of mixing technology and writing, two of my biggest loves/obsessions.

Well, it looks like my initial push paid off.

I was informed yesterday that the September issue of Word Riot, which will be available on 9/15, will contain a piece of fiction by yours truly.

Yeah, I know--pretty fucking cool, right?

It's a short (very short) thing called "My Bike Shorts Are Not Yours, Or My Bulge." It's one of the initial Whitney-themed shorts that eventually became the basis for the novel I'm currently hard at work on. "Bike Shorts" was later worked into a separate and distinct chapter. This published version is slightly modified and was even edited again recently.

What's more of a bonus is that the recent edits will probably (definitely) make their way into the book version, so this was a acceptance and a first-class editing job, all at the same time.

So there you have it.

And if you don't know about Word Riot, I would really suggest giving it a look--even before you run over to it on 9/15.

Here's one super good piece (among many) by a close friend of Artificial Night, JR Angelella.


That's all for now--super busy at work and I'm going hard on a new short story (entitled Sid Vicious) and a new chapter of Whitney (some Whitney back story) at the same time.

Keep pushing.


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