14 June 2009

How To Make Yourself Happy On A Budget

I upgraded.

I have a sickness, I know.

And what's worse is that now I've sucked Danielle in.

We went on Friday night--and as you'll see below, not a moment too soon--to pre-order our iPhone 3G S's. Danielle, new to AT&T, me upgrading a phone I got three months ago. This Friday morning, before I go to Vermont for the weekend to visit my fellow misfits at Bennington, we'll go wait outside the store (we're planing on being there an hour early) and our new cases will hopefully have arrived by then, and we'll both be happy. Right?


Matter of fact, let's get to The Sunday Review before I start thinking about this too much.

via The New York Times: I won't claim to know too much about the current political situation in Iran, but the coverage of their recent election strife deserves to bat leadoff this week, as it seems to be one of those fabled this-is-why-it's-so-great-to-live-in-America moments. Opposition party members being arrested, mass protests, calls for the election to be canceled--and really, who knows who is telling the truth? All I can do is send out positive vibes and hope for the best.

via The New York Times: Congratulations to the Pittsburgh Penguins on their Stanley Cup victory. Game 7 was intense, exciting, and every play counted--can't ask for much more than that. And with Sid the Kid *finally?* getting his first Cup at the ripe old age of 21, who knows what's in store for him in the years to come? And as Jeff Klein and Stu Hackel point out in this article, with this victory, the Penguins management may have put the finishing touches on what will quickly become the blueprint to success in the new NHL.

via The New York Times: This is an opinion piece by Nicholas Kristof regarding the anniversary of Nixon's War on Drugs and how the forty years since have been nothing but a failure. Bonus points for this quote, given by a former Seattle chief of police:

We’ve spent a trillion dollars prosecuting the war on drugs,” Norm Stamper, a former police chief of Seattle, told me. “What do we have to show for it? Drugs are more readily available, at lower prices and higher levels of potency. It’s a dismal failure.

via The New York Times: This is a piece by Ralph Blumenthal about the link between the leaders of the punk rock movement, men like Tommy Ramone, Chris Stein, Lenny Kaye, and Handsome Dick Manitoba, and the Jewish faith. I love this quote:

The shpilkes, the nervous energy of punk, is Jewish,” Mr. Beeber wrote. “Punk reflects the whole Jewish history of oppression and uncertainty, flight and wandering, belonging and not belonging, always being divided, being in and out, good and bad, part and apart.

via The New York Times: John Harwood tackles what can only be seen as bizarro politics--President Obama heaping the praise on Ronald Reagan, and why many Republicans seem to have an "increasingly ambiguous position" on The Great Communicator.

via CNN: I mentioned the switch from analog to digital broadcasting that took place on Friday in my last blog post. Naturally, the FCC received 317, 450 phone calls on Friday alone, most of which went something alone the lines of:

Confused Caller: Hi, my TV doesn't work anymore.
FCC: Were you aware of the switch to digital broadcasting that was happening today?
Confused Caller: What?
FCC: If you don't have digital cable or a converter box for your analog signal, you won't be able to watch television, sir.
Confused Caller: My TV doesn't have a picture, right.
FCC: Sir, you're going to need a converter box. Sir, do you have a relative who might be able to help you with making the switch to a digital signal?
Confused Caller: What?

via Gizmodo: This sentence pretty much sums it up:

"...an independent study conducted by Forrester Research found that iPhone owners are better educated, younger, more affluent, and even more productive than their non-iPhone-using counterparts."

via ESPN: While the players involved make this fairly boring to me, it's good to finally see some juice between "rival" teams. There's too much fanny-patting in pro sports today. Too many smiles, too many shrugs, too many players who, understandably so, don't get "their uniforms dirty" as the baseball adage goes. Free Agency killed the grudge in pro sports, so I guess I'll take what I can get, even if it involves a Frankie "One-Inning Wonder" Rodriguez and Brian "Who?" Bruney.

via Lifehacker: The good folks at the best site for "hacking life" provide us with the goods again--The 10 best how-to cooking videos on the net. I like to think I'm fairly competent at nine of the ten skills shown, and still I learned some new tricks while watching.

via The Boy Genius Report: As I alluded to earlier, and as The BGR is reporting, if you didn't pre-order your iPhone 3G S by Saturday (yesterday), the only way you're going to get it is by waiting on line at an Apple/AT&T store. And again, I can confirm this, as the lady in AT&T told Danielle and I when she heard we came spur of the moment on Friday night instead of waiting for Saturday morning, "Oh, you guys are lucky then, because today is the cut-off for people who want them delivered on the 19th."

via MacRumors: New 15" MacBook Pro will get over 8 hours of battery life. 'Nuff said.

via Michael Ruhlman: This is the most original Internet contest I've seen in a while--make a BLT From Scratch. That means grow the lettuce, grow the tomato, bake the bread, cure the bacon, make the mayo. I've put some thought into this and I don't think there is another "dish" you could do this with. Leave it to a pork slut like Ruhlman to think of it.


As I mentioned earlier, I'll be at Bennington this upcoming weekend to celebrate the memory of a lost friend and the new graduates, so there won't be a Sunday Review.

I took this photo the other night as I sat working on a new chapter of Whitney:

I've since finished the chapter, titled "Papers," which I think is one of my best so far, and I guess I have the cat to thank.

With the Yanks up by two touchdowns, I think I'll go enjoy the rest of this Sunday, or at least part of it, on my bike.

Hope you find something equally as enjoyable.


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