28 March 2009

Lebron James, A Busted-up Hooker, and the ShamWow: Breakfast of Champions

The cat woke me up by knocking the DVD player off the top of the television.

Two things worth checking out:

-Apparently, the ShamWow guy beat up a hooker. As if this wasn't inevitable?

And he's got a real name too--Vince Shlomi.

Check the article, it's pretty hysterical. A juicy morsel:

According to police reports located by TheSmokingGun.com, on February 7th, Shlomi, 44, punched a prostitute several times in the face after she chomped down on his tongue and refused to let go.

Note to Mr. Shlomi--never let a hooker hold your tongue with her teeth. It almost always ends poorly.

And kudos to the Daily News for keeping it classy by putting the ShamWow ad at the top of the article. And for including this tidbit:

No word on whether a ShamWow was used to clean the blood off the carpet.

-Here's the video that's making 60 Minutes relevant again (or at least for this week):

I might actually start watching the Knicks if they can sign him. Which makes me a total flag-waver, I know. And basically violates like six or seven of my sports enthusiast rules, but give me a break.

It's King James, man.

I'd drop 100K saying he can't do that twice in a row.

Be good, kids.