20 May 2009

What Wouldn't You Do?

Been super busy at work as the summer gets into full swing. Just some random thoughts:

-Has anyone seen the new Klondike commercial? The one where the guy gets waxed, first on his chest, and then his gens? And apparently "this is what he would do for a Klondike bar?" I tried to find a video but no such luck--feel free to send along if you find it. I've got some thoughts on this one:

First of all, Klondike bars suck. It's an ice cream square with chocolate on it. Big fucking deal.

Second, I think it's time to move past the "What would you do for a Klondike bar?" tag line. When Chester Cheeto starts sporting a new look, I think it's time to re-evaluate your marketing decisions. As a matter of fact, isn't that just the perfect in-a-nutshell moment for the US economy? Could there be a more obvious waste of money? The only reasonable explanation that Klondike still uses that stupid line would be that they have no marketing division, which you know is not the case. So really, is that what they are paying people to do? Come up with one new slogan in the past twenty fucking years?

Third, and most importantly, who in their right fucking mind wants to associate a delicious ice cream treat--with pubic hair? Or getting pubic hair (or any hair for that matter) ripped out from the root with hot wax?

It's downright infuriating.

-I'm not one to comment on celebrities and their faux-lives and their faux-problems and their faux marriages to other faux-people, because I think that addressing it as a real issue is where the problem starts. But I've seen this being mentioned lately and as someone who has a few young girls in my immediate family, I've got to say it:

Does this chick look fat to you? Fat? Get real people. While I think it's somewhat of a joke that Kate Winslet is the spokesperson for "women with curves," now we're going after Miley Cyrus? Because someone on Twitter said her thighs jiggle when she wears a bathing suit or some bullshit like that? This chick is what, 16? 17? Are we at that point as a society?

If so, I'm close to checking out and finding a different one.

-Finished Pygmy last night. Final decision?

Great book.

I wish I had time for a more in-depth review, but I don't, so I suggest you just go out and pick it up. Don't quit until at least page 50. Learn Pygmy's language. You won't be sorry.

Oh, and Chuck is #3 on the Times Best Sellers. Look at the other authors around him--Alexander McCall Smith, David Baldacci, Mary Higgins Clark, Stephenie Meyer (sic). These people don't sell books, they sell a brand, a product.

Kudos to Chuck and his followers.

-Could the Yankees be hotter right now? Really though, could they? Tex, how do you like hitting behind A-Rod? Little different than Nick Swisher, right?

Now it's time to unseat those division-leading Red--I mean, Blue Jays.

More soon.



  1. What's interesting is that Chuck has been branded too. He even mentions it in an interview:

    "A decade ago, as a branding device, my editor Gerry Howard asked me to give single-word titles to my books. My preference is to use verbs that can have multiple meanings, like "choke" or "snuff." Especially verbs with hard "ch" or "k" or long vowels like the 'eye' sound in Fight Club or the 'ee' sound in Pygmy."

    Not to mention they puthim on an 18 month publishing track.

    That being said, the difference of the best-selling brands on that list is stark. Glad Pygmy turned out well.

  2. i like that you tagged this "Hijinks"

    I NEVER saw what was so great about the Klondike Bar. Its an ice cream popsicle without the stick. No brain required.
