07 April 2009

The Joy of Roasters

Had to show off last night's dinner:

That's Butterflied Garlic Shrimp with Roasted Baby Red Potatoes, a.k.a "Roasters", and Broccolini with red pepper flake.

This was such a good meal, I can't even explain it. The shrimp recipe is from Eric Ripert, found here, and you should check out that site as a whole, it's really got some great quick, nutritous recipes and meal plans. Danielle adapted it a bit--I think she used cilantro instead of parsley--but either way, it's awesome.

Roasters are the catch phrase in our house for roasted potatoes. They're just nicely seasoned potatoes baked until cooked through and nice and golden brown on the cut side.

Broccolini is such an awesome vegetable. It seems to be everywhere now, so find it and eat it. Just blanch it, shock it, and put it in a pan with a little bit of olive oil and red pepper flake (I go pretty heavy on the flake) and it's perfect.

More soon.


1 comment:

  1. gee thats a lovely meal. i wonder what talented and capable hands prepared it ;)
